Monday, May 23, 2011

MIndscape - my 3rd solo art exhibition

This is Esther Reutens again after a disappearance of about 1 1/2 years.

Just had my 3rd solo exhibition opening on May 21st.,2011 and the artworks will be displayed until May 31st., 2011. It was sort of a spur of the moment/impulse solo art show.. The exhibition was held at the newly opened Island Gallery at Phuah Hin Leong Road in Penang. I wasn't really prepared as the time frame was short. Many of my earlier newer works were sold even before being exhibited. It was a 1 1/2 months hectic marathon of painting. My poor family took over the household chores. Sadly my mixed terrier dog died. On top of these chaos, I was having a mental block too!!!! However I managed to pull through and produced 8 new paintings. I also showcased 3 recent paintings of 2010, restored an old 1981 painting that was never exhibited before. The exhibition titled "Mindscape" tries to capture my mind as I travel through life.

Enjoy my perceived interpretations.

Some photos of the opening event on May 21st., 2011 at the Island Gallery, Phuah Hin Leong Road, Penang.

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